Articles | E7 Solutions

Advisory Services: Strategic and Technical Guides | E7

Written by E7 Solutions | Oct 3, 2023

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking better ways to collaborate and enable teams/departments to work together seamlessly. Atlassian has risen to the challenge of building a platform to enable organizations to do just that. However, harnessing the full potential of Atlassian can be challenging without the right expertise and guidance. E7’s Advisory Services are subscription-based engagements, designed to bridge the gap between Atlassian products and your business objectives. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the three engagement models available: Strategic Solution Manager (SSM), Technical Solution Consultant (TSC), and Advisory Service Workshops (ASW). Let's dive in and discover how E7 Solutions can help unlock the power of Atlassian for your organization.


Table of Contents:

Understanding E7 Solutions Advisory Services

Unleashing the Potential with a Strategic Solution Manager (SSM)

Empowering Your Teams with a Technical Solution Consultant (TSC)

Collaborative Success with Advisory Service Workshops (ASW)

Realizing the Value of E7 Solutions Advisory Services


Understanding E7 Solutions Advisory Services

E7 Solutions understands that every business is unique, with its own set of challenges, goals, and requirements. Our Advisory Services subscriptions are designed to provide the expertise and guidance needed to bridge the gap between Atlassian products and your specific business objectives. With three engagement models available, we can tailor our services to suit your needs.

Strategic Solution Manager (SSM)

The Strategic Solution Manager (SSM) engagement model offers dedicated resources to co-develop strategic plans, provide product guidance, and orchestrate the execution of Atlassian projects. Whether you're planning a cloud migration or an ITSM implementation, our experienced team will guide you every step of the way.

Technical Solution Consultant (TSC)

The Technical Solution Consultant (TSC) engagement model provides dedicated consultants who have a deep understanding of Atlassian products and Marketplace Apps. They can help you define and realize your technical requirements, allowing your teams to overcome even the most challenging obstacles. With their expertise, you can extend the functionality of your Atlassian tools and ensure they meet your specific needs.

Advisory Service Workshops (ASW)

Our Advisory Service Workshops (ASW) brings industry experts together with your organization to align objectives, create strategies, define requirements, and guide implementation resources. Through a series of collaborative workshops, we help you fully realize Atlassian's potential. The output of these workshops includes demos, product selection, resourcing, investment levels, and implementation design guides.

Unleashing the Potential with Strategic Solution Manager (SSM)

The Strategic Solution Manager (SSM) service offered by E7 Solutions addresses several pain points for companies looking to maximize the value of their Atlassian investments.

 Lack of Strategic Planning

One common challenge businesses face is a lack of strategic planning when it comes to Atlassian projects. The SSM service provides dedicated resources to co-develop strategic plans, ensuring that your company's projects align with your overall business goals and objectives. With our guidance, you can make informed decisions that drive success.

Uncertainty About Product Selection

Choosing the right Atlassian tools and products for your specific needs can be overwhelming. With the SSM service, you gain access to product guidance from experts who understand the nuances of each offering. We help you navigate through the options, ensuring you select the best tools to support your teams and optimize your workflows.

Difficulty Managing Project Execution

Efficient project execution is crucial for success, but it can be challenging to manage multiple Atlassian projects simultaneously. The SSM service includes dedicated resources to orchestrate the execution of your projects, ensuring they are completed on time and within budget. Our experts will help streamline processes, minimize roadblocks, and keep your projects on track.

Challenges with Cloud Migrations

Many companies are considering or planning to migrate their Atlassian tools to the cloud for enhanced scalability, flexibility, and security. However, cloud migrations can be complex and require careful planning. With the SSM service, our experts provide guidance and support throughout the migration process, helping you avoid common pitfalls and ensuring a smooth transition.

Complexity of Service Management Implementations

Transforming your Service Management can be a complex process that involves aligning various stakeholders, defining processes, and implementing new tools. The SSM service offers resources that can guide you through this journey, helping you navigate the complexities and ensure a successful implementation. Our experts will work closely with your teams to optimize your Service Management processes and enhance efficiency.

Empowering Your Teams with a Technical Solution Consultant (TSC)

The Technical Solution Consultant (TSC) service provided by E7 Solutions empowers your teams to overcome technical challenges and realize the full potential of Atlassian products.

Expertise in Atlassian Products

Atlassian offers a wide range of products with various features and capabilities. Navigating through these options and understanding their potential can be daunting. The TSC service provides dedicated consultants with deep expertise in Atlassian products. They can help your teams explore the possibilities, identify the right tools, and leverage them to their fullest extent.

Knowledge of Marketplace Apps

In addition to Atlassian's core products, the Marketplace offers numerous apps and integrations that can enhance your workflows and extend the functionality of your tools. TSC consultants have in-depth knowledge of these Marketplace Apps, enabling them to recommend and implement the most suitable solutions for your specific requirements. They ensure that your Atlassian ecosystem is optimized for success.

Assistance with Technical Requirements

Defining and realizing your technical requirements is crucial for a successful Atlassian implementation. The TSC service includes dedicated resources who will work closely with your teams to understand your needs and translate them into technical solutions. They help you navigate complex integrations, customize workflows, and ensure that your Atlassian projects align with your technical objectives.

Guidance and Support

Implementing Atlassian projects requires technical guidance and support. The TSC service provides dedicated consultants who will be by your side throughout the implementation process. They offer expert advice, troubleshoot technical challenges, and help your teams adopt best practices. With their guidance, you can ensure a smooth and successful implementation of your Atlassian tools.

Collaborative Success with Advisory Service Workshops (ASW)

Advisory Service Workshops (ASW) offered by E7 Solutions foster collaboration between industry experts and your organization, resulting in a comprehensive strategy to unlock the full potential of Atlassian.

Defining Business Objectives

The ASW process begins by defining your business objectives. Our industry experts will work closely with your teams to understand your goals and align them with Atlassian's capabilities. By defining clear objectives, you can create a roadmap that guides your Atlassian implementation and ensures it directly contributes to your business success.

Creating Complementary Strategies

To maximize the value of Atlassian, it is essential to create complementary strategies. During the ASW workshops, our experts will collaborate with your teams to identify areas where Atlassian can streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and drive efficiency. These strategies will complement your business objectives and enable you to leverage Atlassian's full potential.

Mapping Organization Goals and Products

Aligning your organizational goals with the right Atlassian products is a critical step in the implementation process. The ASW workshops provide an opportunity to map your goals and objectives to specific Atlassian tools. Our experts will guide you through this process, ensuring that the chosen products align with your needs and contribute to your overall success.

Implementation Design Guide

A well-designed implementation plan is key to a successful Atlassian project. The ASW workshops will result in an implementation design guide that outlines the steps, timelines, and resources required for a smooth implementation. This guide will serve as a blueprint, ensuring that your teams have a clear roadmap to follow and that the project stays on track from start to finish.

Architecture Blueprint

For complex Atlassian implementations, having a solid architecture blueprint is vital. The ASW workshops will help you define the architecture requirements for your Atlassian ecosystem. Our experts will collaborate with your teams to design a scalable and efficient architecture that meets your current and future needs. This blueprint will guide your implementation and ensure long-term success.

Realizing the Value of E7 Solutions Advisory Services

Don't just take our word for it. Here's what Brian Barr, Director of Business Systems at STARZ, has to say about working with E7 Solutions:

"E7 has proven to be a great partner choice in our initiative to move Jira and Confluence from server to cloud. We engaged E7 from the beginning when we were exploring the move and have continued to work hand-in-hand as we go-live."

At E7 Solutions, we are committed to delivering exceptional results and ensuring the success of your Atlassian projects. Our Advisory Services Packages are designed to provide the expertise, guidance, and support you need to unlock the full potential of Atlassian.


E7 Solutions' Advisory Services provide the expertise and guidance you need to unlock the power of Atlassian. Whether you choose the Strategic Solution Manager (SSM), Technical Solution Consultant (TSC), or Advisory Service Workshops (ASW), our team of experts will ensure that your Atlassian projects align with your business objectives and drive success.

E7 Solutions is a leading provider of Atlassian consulting services, with a team of experts dedicated to helping businesses optimize their Atlassian investment. With a deep understanding of Atlassian products and years of experience, we are well-equipped to guide you through your digital transformation journey.

If you're ready to unlock the power of Atlassian and accelerate your business growth, we invite you to speak with our team of experts. We offer tailored solutions that address your unique challenges and requirements. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how E7 Solutions can help you achieve your goals.